THE CONFIDENT BODY PODCAST - Brain-based strategies and self-compassion practices to unlock your full potential

Fuel your body, unleash your soul: The podcast for women ready to lose weight and fully embrace their unique gifts and talents. Learn how to transform your body and mind with brain science and self-compassion. Do you know *what* to do to lose weight but can’t find the time or energy to actually do it? Are you the one always behind the camera taking pictures of everyone else on vacation because you don’t like the way you look? Are you ready to stop waiting to lose weight in order to start participating in life? In this podcast, you’ll find shame-free weight loss solutions that set you free from the exhausting cycle of being ”on a diet” or ”off the wagon”. Together, we’ll help you overcome self-sabotaging behavior through simple tools, brain hacks, and steps to rewire your brain for weight loss. If you’re ready to stop feeling like you are the problem and lose weight in a way that makes you feel like you can trust yourself, then you’re in the right place. Hi, I’m Lizzie. Welcome to the Confident Body Podcast where we talk about all the mental and emotional parts of weight loss that diets don’t tell you. I spent most of my life feeling self-conscious about my body, looking for the next diet, or wishing I could just lose a few pounds. After feeling massive imposter syndrome teaching fitness, I began to wonder if there was more to feeling great than just nutrition and exercise. I realized that feeling confident in your skin is more about what’s between your ears than what’s on your plate. I began to understand how diets go against the way your brain is naturally wired and how diets make it so hard to lose weight long term. I learned specific strategies and tools to work WITH my brain to lose weight for good and finally feel confident in my body. And you can too. If you want to look in the mirror and see what’s RIGHT about you…Learn solutions that are easy and fit your busy life…Find out how to train your brain for weight loss…and love yourself and your body all the way down the scale, then let’s go.

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Thursday Sep 07, 2023

Do you have a favorite restaurant? 
Maybe a place you love to go on Saturdays? 
Or perhaps it’s just for special occasions. 
But when you go, oh boy, look out. It is ON. It’s like calories don’t count and you’re not worrying about the diet when you head to this place. 
Except when you step on the scale the next day you’re like, “Ugh. Why does just one night out have to mean I’ve gained 3 lbs over night? It’s not fair!”
Uh huh, today we are talking about restaurants. 
We’re getting tactical again so that you can have the gift of looking at how you’re thinking about things when you go out and also several specific strategies to help you feel prepared the next time you’re going out to eat. 
Let’s get after it!
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

I Should Know Better

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

Have you ever had a Monday morning where you look back over the weekend and you just think… 
“Ugh. I blew all my hard work. AGAIN. It’s not like this is a surprise. It’s not like I don’t know what happens on Monday after a weekend of not paying attention.” 
Or maybe it’s not a weekend. Maybe it’s just a random Tuesday night where you found yourself having a snack before dinner or after dinner. And then another and then another and then 5 snacks later you’re like… 
“I can’t believe I did this again. I should know better.”
I should know better. 
Oy. Those words really pack a punch in so many ways. 
Today we’re diving into ….    
Why there’s a big difference between knowing better and doing better and it has nothing to do with your self discipline nor is it your fault. 
Why living in the fantasy land of shoulds is making you unhappy and hurting your efforts to lose weight. 
And the #1 character trait you can use to get out of the shoulds and into reasonable realistic action steps. And it’s a character trait that everyone has - even if you might be a little out of practice. 
Ready to rewrite the story of Shoulderlla and create your own happy ending? 
Yeah. Absolutely! 
Let’s get to it!  
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

When The Novelty Wears Off

Monday Aug 21, 2023

Monday Aug 21, 2023

What happens when you are 3-4 weeks into a new diet program and the novelty has worn off? 
Why is it harder to keep going in week 4 than week 1? What’s different? 
How is it that you can be motivated in other areas of your life - maybe at work or taking care of your family - but you can’t seem to muster that same motivation and consistency for yourself? 
Today we’re going to talk about 
Why it’s completely natural to be harder to motivate on week 4 than week 1
Why you can be successful in other areas of your life, but not this one
And 3 specific ways to adjust your thinking.
Ready to bust through the gap between novelty and new established habits? 
Then let’s go.  
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

Help! I Feel Like A Failure

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023

How many times have you told yourself “Today I’m gonna be good.”
Or “I’m only going to have 2 cookies tonight.” And then find yourself going back on your word to yourself. 
Or how many times have you tried to lose weight, and fell off the wagon? Or maybe lost weight, only to gain all the weight back?
How many times have you run out of steam with the new diet plan and just felt like a big ol’ failure. 
We have ALL experienced that from one time or another. 
Failure just stinks. It hurts. 
And the fear of failure often holds us back from trying in the first place. 
Today we’re tackling failure.
What exactly IS IT that we’re afraid of?
My personal story of failure
The 5 step process to make failure your friend and
And the 3 letter word to help you turn around what you’re making failure mean…
So you can use it as the rocket fuel for your weight loss journey. 
Ready to flip the script on failure?
Let’s go. 
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book


Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

Have you ever gone a week or two when you were really on track and feeling like you were making progress, but then something like a trip or a birthday comes along and you feel like you backtracked on all your progress? 
Or maybe you were really on point throughout the whole week but then on the weekend you feel like you undid all that hard work and you’re right back where you started? 
Today we’re going to talk about a different way to look at things so that when those life events come along.
You don’t have to look at it as if you’re starting over from scratch. 
You don’t have to let it wreck your progress. 
And you can use it as a stepping stone catapulting you towards your success. 
Ready? Let’s go.  
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023

Have you ever tried to lose weight for a specific event or to look good for a specific someone? 
We can willpower our way some of the way there. Maybe even most of the way there. But how did you feel about yourself when you got “there”? 
And how long did that last?
Today we’re talking about the fallacy of setting a goal weight and the “I’ll be happy WHEN I lose weight” trap. 
We’ll address: 
2 specific reasons why that mindset backfires 
and what to do instead to set yourself up for success 
…so that you can love yourself WHILE you lose weight and make sure the changes you make are sustainable over time. 
Ready? Let’s get to it. 
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

I Wish I Could Just Get Over This

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023

Have you ever had a night where you just really went overboard and ate way more than you planned and thought “What the heck is wrong with me?” 
Or maybe you woke up the next morning and maybe had too much to drink or overate and you ask yourself “What is my freaking problem?” 
“I know better. Why can’t I do better? Maybe there’s just something wrong with me. I just wish I could get over this.”
I know I’ve certainly been there. 
Here’s the problem. 
That kind of thinking is hurting you. 
It’s holding you back because you’re assuming there’s a problem with you. 
Today we’re gonna have a little tough love. 
I’m getting vulnerable about some struggles I’ve had and we’re getting through this together? 
You ready? 
You and me. 
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

Stop Waiting To Feel Good

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Have you ever felt like there was more inside you that you have to give?
Like maybe you’re not maxing out your potential? Or even scratching the surface?
So often we wait until we lose the weight in order to go for that thing or to put ourselves out there in a scary way. 
Today, we’re gonna get deep. We’re going to talk about purpose, meaning and the shining your glorious light the way you were made to.
Ready to shine? Aw yeah. Let’s go!
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

When You Just Can’t Even

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

Have you ever experienced a time where you’ve been working really hard to make a change in your behavior but there comes a moment in the day or the week when you really DON’T want to have to think about it in the moment? 
It almost feels like something takes over inside you and there’s like this Jekyll and Hyde moment where part of you is like “Why are you eating right now? We’re not hungry? Are you sure you want to keep eating?” and the other part of you is like “Na-ah. I just can’t even, right now. Lalalalaala. Not listening. Be quiet so I can just enjoy some blissful peace.” 
This is basically what happens when we fall into the trap of all or nothing thinking.
Today we’re going to talk about 
What’s going on in your brain in those moments
Why that happens (yep, it’s just your brain doing what brains do!) 
And especially what to do about it and how to move forward in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling a whole heap of shame and guilt the next day. 
Ready to get to it? 
Yeah. Let’s go. 
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

Putting Yourself Last

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023

Have you ever felt like, “I know I should work out, but I don’t have time.” or “I want to take time to meal plan but I get so busy and I run out of energy. Between the kids, my job, not to mention being a wife, I find it hard to carve out time for myself.” 
Listen, it is hard to find time these days. Life is BUSY. It’s even harder to make ourselves a priority in our own lives. I mean that feels kinda selfish. And there are so many other people that need a piece of our time and energy first. 
I’m not denying that. 
At the same time, putting yourself last or even just somewhere near the bottom of your priority list is having devastating consequences for you. 
Whether it’s in your health and how you want to feel in your body, or your relationships with other people, or even more with your relationship with yourself - which of course is at the root of it all. 
Today we’re going to talk about the one giant roadblock that so many of us struggle with when it comes to prioritizing ourselves. 
It may not be what you think. 
What’s that one major obstacle we all face? 
So many of us are not good at receiving. 
So today we’re going to talk about 
Why is it so hard to receive? I’m not talking about gifts. I’m talking about receiving compliments, receiving help, receiving your innate worthiness and enoughness without having to strive for it or earn it. 
We’re also talking about how putting yourself is NOT selfish. 
How prioritizing yourself is an act of service to the people you care about most. 
And how when you open yourself up to receive, you give others such a gift. 
Receiving is an act of service. And it’s something that takes practice. 
But we gotta start with changing our mindset around it. 
Let’s go!! 
Learn more!
You Are A Miracle book

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